Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Greenleaf by Flannery O'Connor

GREENLEAF by: Flannery O'Connor
Brooke Grossfeld

Ode to The Bull

Ode to the Bull

You are so strong

What you represent is beyond strong

You live your life

Live it in pain

You struggle to make your point

Of what to is Wrong

Ode to the Bull

What do you mean

Who are youl

Will you ever go away

Ode to the Bull

You have faih

Dont let anyone get in your way

You may be gone

But your sporit lives on

You never really go away

Ode to the Bul

Plot, Themes, and Other Facts

“Greenleaf” by Flannery O’Connor is a short story about an old lady named Mrs. May. Mrs. May is a cold hearted, racist farm women. She has two sons who are not alike, the only thing they have in common is that they are lazy. Their names are Wesley and Scofield. Mrs. May owns a farm and has a black man named Mr. Greenleaf working on it for her. He has two kids who he makes do all the work and a wife. The sons are named O.T. and E.T. The Greenleaf boys and the May boys are very different in which Mrs. May's boys are malicious and spoiled while the Greenleaf boys are very hardworking and kind.
The story starts off with Mrs. May waking up to a bull in her farm and she didn’t know how it got there so she had asked Mr. Greenleaf to get rid of it. Mr. Greenleaf however could got get rid of the bull, because of O.T. and E.T. So Mrs. May decided to go to the Greenleaf boys farm and tell them to come get there bull because she was tired of it. The boys were not there and a farm worker said that the boys did not want the bull. Now, Mrs. May got very upset because she knew that the boys expected her to have to kill the bull. Now she was going to make Mr. Greenleaf kill the bull. The two got in Mrs. May’s car to go kill the bull in a giant area. The Mrs. May waited for Mr. Greenleaf to kill the bull, but the bull ran away into the woods. It was at this point, the climax that Mrs. May waited on her cars hood. She realized that she had fallen in love with the bull. But the bull was really just a symbol that she had fallen in love with Mr. Greenleaf. After what seemed like an eternity the bull cam running towards her running into her with its horns and killing her. Mr. Greenleaf then shot the bull. Mrs. May is bent over the bull looking like she is whispering something into the bulls ear, somewhat of an apology. And that is how the story ends.

The story is set in the Deep South in the 1950’s
On a plantation in decline
There are two families in the story… the Mays(white) and the Greenleaf’s(black)

Sexuality (repressed desire)—taboo
Repressed Desire

Allegory—literal meaning and symbolic meaning

There is a bull—allegory
Represents black people
Mr. Greenleaf
Male Sexuality

Dark, Sardonic humor
Justice at the end

Quotes: Blackened him and in the dark he began to here a tear in the hedge. Presently they passed and he appeared again in the same spot-348
I’ve worked, I have not wallowed…..367

My Own Definition: Discriminating against someone who is different from you because They think that, that person is not as good as they are. Or that they
Are bad because of their heritage.
Relation to Other Key Concepts: Racism relates to family, because if you are black there is no way of getting out of being black, you are born that way and people who are raised to discriminate against others continue to pass that on. Which racism is taboo, no body wants to admit if they are racist and no one likes to talk about it. It relates to sexuality because that is also something taboo and people can have repressed desire to want somebody they can’t have.
Quotes: Property entailed so that if they married, they could not leave it to their wives-352
The people who will always be there for you no matter what. You Will always be there for them.
My Own Definition: They are the people who will never leave. You and will continue to support you no matter what. In some cases they think what you believe or do is wrong and they will no longer support

How it Relates to Other Key Concepts: Family relates to racism because you are born that way and if someone is mean to you because you are different only makes you want to work so much harder to be looked up upon which can be repressed desire. Which can be taboo because racist people usually don’t like to admit that a black person is doing a “white persons job
Quotes: She had been having shiftless people’s hogs root up her oats, their mules wallow on her lawn, and their scrub bulls breed her cows. If this was one not put up now, he would be over the dance, ruining her herd before morning-349
Like some patient g-d came down to woo her-348

My Own Definition: Something personal but it helps define you. To engage in Sexual activity with someone you love, or someone you just met. Religion Something personal, something you believe in. Faith,Hope loves. A way to relieve yourself from pain or sadness. It brings
People together.

How it Relates to Other Key Concepts: Sexuality is taboo because most people don’t really like to talk about it, they think it is impressing. This relates to repressed desire because a person of color could like a white person and because of racism they cannot have them. This relates to family because a white persons family… who is racist, won’t want someone of color in the family.
Repressed Desire
Quotes: He detached himself from the can slowly-365
Spring is here
My Own Definition: Something you want but you can’t have. People Will judge you or think differently if they know. Its something you
Really want. You can have it, but it will be challenging.

How It Relates to Other Concepts: Repressed desire can relate to taboo because a lot of times it’s something hard to get and people will judge you for it, but you cannot have it and people don’t like to talk about it. Taboo relates to racism because people don’t like to talk about it and are afraid to admit they are racist. Racist relates to family because it usually runs in family. Which relates to sexuality because if someone in the family of a racist wants to get with a black person the family will not allow it?

Quotes: Employment when no one else would have him-349
Your dead and gone and then I’m going to marry me some nice fat farm girl that can take over this place-351

My Own Definition: Something everybody knows, everyone thinks about, but is scared
To talk about.

How It Relates to other Concepts: Taboo relates to sexuality because a lot of times people get impressed to talk about sexuality with others. This relates to family because people are sometimes afraid their family will judge them about it. Which relates to racism because a lot of times racist people are judgmental in which they think black people are not as good or as smart as they are? Which relates to repressed desire because black people want to get away from that image and stay strong and prove everyone else that they are just as good.



Here I have a link to a game of Sudoku because for one, the setting in this game is a farm setting, just like in the book it is a farm setting. Also because in this game, every number(piece)fits into a certain spot and you have to find that spot. Just like in life every piece of the puzzle goes together. It has its own spot. And Mrs. May had to slowly find that spot of being nice, of being compassionate to others. Of not neglecting the empty spaces that her heart had. Her empty spaces were everything that was wrong with her. Just like in this game, you cant neglect the empty spots or else you will not win. In the end Mrs. May ran out of time and lost, she lost her life.

I also have a video of a black bull, it is to show how big it is compared to a man.
Please click on the link if you wish to play or watch the video. The games "html" was not working with the
"html" of my blog. I am sorry

Brooklynn Out

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